Kathryn A. McMahon American Impressionist Artist Oil Painter
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Submitted to Plein Air Magazine by Kathryn A. McMahon
Painting in New York City Central Park September 11
Michael Ponce painted in the Bethesda Fountain area as part of the National Academy of Professional Plein Air Painters in Central Park, NY. From far above, I could see him painting in one corner of the square,- his white hat stood out. After I finished my painting, I came to paint beside him. People casually walked by with their families to see our paintings and ask many questions. Though it was the anniversary of Sept. 11, this day was lovely. People strolled hand in hand, and row boats drifted by, as Michael moved to paint the Boat House. As well as a day of remembrance; it was a day of celebration. There was a hot dog stand which played music all day. We even attended a wedding on the Square. Families rested on the steps to take in the whole scene of music,fun and celebrations. Later we both turned our easels around to paint the steps leading down to the fountain area and capture this memorable moment. We will both have memories of this special day!